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Edward D. Hall first became involved in computers at the ripe old age of eleven. Ed joined the United States Air Force as a computer tech in 1978 and has worked in the computer industry for most of his adult life.

Edward D. Hall has worked as a computer Technician, for the Government, private industry, and in retail. He has taught computer applications, networking, and web design classes at the local community college and at several computer learning centers.

Edward D. Hall built his first website in the mid-1990s using HTML (HyperText Markup Language), a text editor, and WordPerfect for spell checking. He went on to use the first version of FrontPage, and has use several other HTML editors, while often finding himself reverting to HTML coding to fine tune his pages. Ed has built several websites for business, personal and pleasure. Ed currently maintains about half a dozen WordPress websites.

In 2011 Edward D. Hall was approached by an OLD friend who had an unnatural interest in OLD DOS based IBM computers to help build him a website for his passion. Looking for an easy to use tool that would allow Ed’s friend to take an active part of maintaining his website, Ed stumbled upon WordPress and the world has never been the same.

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